Six Proven Strategies To Dominate Your Market

Buyback Billy
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Who is Buyback Billy?
Billy Merritt is a sales and marketing master and the pioneer of what is now known as the Facebook Buyback Event, or more generally, the Facebook Sales Event.
Billy is the best selling author of The Art of Text Message Selling, How To Make Millions with Social Media. He also is a sales trainer, speaker, and founder of DigiNinja, the complete digital sales solution that has helped thousands of car dealers across the country and tens of thousands of salespeople dominate their markets. Billy is known as the "salesman's advocate." He mentors, coaches and trains salespeople in all 50 states and Canada.
Billy's state-of-the-art 3,000 square foot studio and call center operates 24/7. They serve more than 2,000 dealers coast to coast with:
Digital Marketing
Social Media Management
Website Chat
Remote BDC
Sales Events
Sales Training
The dealers we serve dominate their markets. Simply put, We Move Metal. Our team is highly trained on Billy's Proven Process, and our Revolutionary Software Solution, DigiNinja, makes us the most effective product in the entire auto industry.
What People Are Saying
The Art of Text Message Selling

Text messaging has changed how the world communicates.
It is vital to your survival in sales.
It is important to understand that, regardless of your product or service, you are a salesperson, whether your name tag says so or not. No matter what your position, you are selling, and if you are selling, you had better be texting.
We give out information. Your customer is going to shop around. Her or she is going to want information, and if you don't give it to them, you will lose them to someone who will. We will give them the information after we have wowed them with our BIG OFFER.
Contact us at Billy Merritt Marketing to find out how we can use the art of text message selling and the BIG OFFER to make a difference in your business.